Welcome To:
Lyons-Muir Church
At Lyons-Muir Church we believe that we are called to be God’s healing and hope-filled congregation, to make followers of Jesus Christ for the positive transformation of our community through lives of prayer, love, forgiveness, honesty, acceptance, and trust.
The Order of Worship
† = Please stand if you are able
† Gathering Song"Because of Your Love"
WelcomeAt Lyons-Muir Church we believe that we are called to be God's healing and hope-filled congregation, to make followers of Jesus Christ for the positive transformation of our community through lives of prayer, love, forgiveness, honesty, acceptance, and trust.
† Praise Songs |
† "Forever"
† "No Matter What"
Children's Message
† Song of Response |
† "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (V1,2,3)"
#92 in Hymnal
Offering & Announcements |
† Song of Praise |
"Peace Like A River"
#498 in Hymnal |